Tuesday, March 20, 2007

An Interview With Tsanimir Gospodinov

There are a lot of people who wish they could someday get away from their boring daily round and go somewhere else e.g America. As you know there are only a couple of ways to do that and one of them is the essay writing contest . Every year more than 600 students participate in it , but only half of them are accepted to the next round. At the end they are twelve left, who get the chance to fulfill their dreams and go to America or to Great Britain.One of these students is Tsanimir Gospodinov from Foreign Language School ( FLS) in Razgrad. He completely smashed the competition and now he is preparing for an unforgettable year in USA.This is what he shared with us:

"Tell us more about your past?"

What we found out was that he grew in a modest family- neither poor nor rich. Living in the town center gave him the opportunity to meet many and different peers.He always had a lot of friends. He shares that his friends were the best part of his childhood and he still keeps in touch with some of them. Though he was blessed with friends he had to grow up really fast. Well, most people don't see life in its worse of aspects until after puberty. He collided with reality when he was nine, but his past made him much more responsible, independent person than most of his peers.

"Why do you want to study in America?"

America is the land of the opportunities and right now he's felling like Bulgaria, somehow,it suffocates him when it comes to fulfillment. He has this extreme need of realizing his full potential and he doesn't think that Bulgaria will give him such a chance. Plus, he doesn't know what American people are like, but he has grown tired of most Bulgarians' deceptiveness, lying and trickery.

"What do you hope to accomplish?"

Tsanimir is a person who puts huge goals before him. His dream life is the most versatile life ever. If you ask him what he would be satisfied with - the answer is a small house, a small law firm and a big family in the suburbs of San Fransisco. All in all he hopes to find the "Golden Middle" between the two.

"How do you see your future career?"

He has always wanted to become a lawyer. He sees himself as quiet a good lawyer in the future, though he's not very sure how good his vision is (laughs). He doubts there is any other occupation for him.

"How did the teachers in FLS help you prepare for this competition?"

When we asked him this question he had a really strange expression on his face and then he said that he didn't recall any one else helping him prepare.He thinks the school is nice and everything, but some of the teacher are way too old to teach and the school facilities are too few and not enough.

"Will you miss Bulgaria , you friends and family?"

" Of course! I'm not a block of ice, you know"

"Tell us something interesting about yourself that others don't know? Well, when you spend a little more time with him you'll see what he likes and dislike, what makes him angry and what happy, but the only thing that even I didn't expect was his love for red- heads. WoW!

This was the interview with Tsanimir Gospodinov and if you want to accomplish even half of what he has you better get to work, because you have a long way to go.

By:Aylene and Fikrie

Edited by: Nikolay